
Installing Kwapi from source

  1. Clone the Kwapi git repository to the management server:

    $ git clone
  2. Data management use numpy. On Debian/Ubuntu, use:

    $ apt-get install python-numpy

  3. Run the Kwapi installer and copy the configuration files:

    $ pip install kwapi-g5k
    $ cp -r kwapi-g5k/etc/kwapi /etc/

Installing Kwapi on Grid‘5000

  1. Create a VM on the site you want to monitor. You can create a domU with Xen or KVM. The command should be similar to this one:

    $ http_proxy="http://proxy:3128/" xen-create-image --hostname=kwapi --ip=ip_address --dist wheezy --role=udev

    You can find more informations about this procedure here:

  2. Start your VM:

    $ xm create /etc/xen/kwapi.cfg
  3. Install configuration tool on the VM. Puppet manifests and files are available in puppet-repo. You must install the right version of Puppet used in Grid‘5000. Installation procedure can be find here: Puppet. After the certificate signing procedure, you should have a new Puppet node named

  4. Configure Kwapi with Puppet. You have to add additional classes on your new Puppet node. Use puppetplay to add kwapi-g5k class on the node:

    $ puppetplay node --edit --add-classes kwapi-g5k
  5. Wait one hour or use Capistrano tool to force Puppet execution on the VM.:

    $ cap puppet:production MODULE=all SITE=site
  6. Your VM is now configured with latest Grid‘5000 version of Kwapi. You can connect on the node to check Kwapi service status.:

    $ ssh
    $ sudo service kwapi status

Running Kwapi modules as daemon

Kwapi can be started, stoped, restarted with the service command:

$ sudo service kwapi start|stop|restart

This command will start kwapi as a daemon and run the modules indicated in /etc/kwapi/daemon.conf file.

Running Kwapi modules in foreground (debugging)

If you want to manage each Kwapi module individually (drivers and plugins), you can run the following commands.

  • Start the drivers on all the configured machines:

    $ kwapi-drivers
  • Start the forwarder on this machine and a remote machine (optional):

    $ kwapi-forwarder
  • Start the API plugin if you want to access metrics with the API:

    $ kwapi-api
  • Start the RRD plugin if you want to store data as RRD (mandatory to display graphs in a web browser):

    $ kwapi-rrd
  • Start the HDF5 plugin if you want to store fine grained datas:

    $ kwapi-hdf5
  • Start Live plugin to active Web visualisation of your mesures:

    $ kwapi-live
  • Start Ganglia plugin to push data to the remote Ganglia server:

    $ kwapi-ganglia


Don’t forget to stop Kwapi daemon service before activating modules in foreground or it will result on conflict problems and data corruption !